During the fresh fruit season we bring our delicious certified organic products to a number of markets in the SEQ area. To subscribe to our email list for the locations you are interested in, click here and we will keep you up to date each week!
Northey Street Organic Farmers Market

During the fresh fruit season we bring our wonderful certified organic products to the Northey Street City Farm Organic Market from 6am to 10am each Sunday. We always send an email reminder prior the the markets so you can order to avoid missing out! This is usually from November to February. We also try to come once a month, or so, with frozen fruit when fresh is no longer in season.
Toowoomba Farmers Market
This year we have very luckily been allocated a stall at Toowoomba Farmers Market next to Manifest Kombucha under the Windmill. We will return on 21 October 2023 and we have this location until 23 December 2023. We will send an update on our location as we want to attend the markets until the end of our season January/February.

Sunshine Coast Markets

Good Harvest Organic Farms will have our blueberries available on their stalls at the following markets until sold out:
Marcoola Farmers Market Saturday 8am to 12 noon
Kawana Farmers Market Saturday 6am to 12 noon
Noosa Farmers Market Sunday 6am to 12 noon
Farm Gate
Farm Gate Sales will be available most Saturdays from 8am to 11am as per our facebook updates once we are in season, but we will offer more times to drop in as the season progresses.