We produce the following products.

Fresh certified organic blueberry punnets

Fresh certified organic raspberry punnets

Certified Organic Frozen Blueberries

Certified Organic Frozen Raspberries

Organic Blueberry Jam

Organic Raspberry Jam

Organic Blueberry Desert Sauce

Organic Blueberry Savoury Sauce

Organic Raspberry Coulis

The following grocers regularly stock our organic blueberry and raspberry products when available.

If you’d like home delivery;

Spray Free Farmacy

If you’re in Brisbane and you need our products delivered to your door you could choose to use Spray Free Farmacy.  They stock a good range of our products and other food lines and can be purchased directly from their website and delivered to your home or available to pick up from a location. Follow the link here to their website to purchase.

Good Harvest Organic Farm

For those on the Sunshine Coast, we’ve been working with Good Harvest Organic Farm to get fresh certified organic blueberries delivered to your home. Follow the link here to secure your berries. 

If you’d like to shop in-store;

We are very lucky to be directly working with some wonderful Organic Stores to get our blueberries in your mouths! You can find most of our product range at the following stores:

TMP Organics and Supermarket – Everton Park

TMP have been supplying our certified organic frozen blueberries for more than a decade. It’s a wonderful organic butcher and supermarket.

Market Organics

Have about 9 stores scattered around Brisbane and the northern Gold Coast. They stock our fresh certified organic blueberries in both sizes, certified organic frozen blueberries, blueberry jam and raspberry jam. They also have a wonderful range of organic produce.

Ground Grocer at Currumbin
For those on the southern end of the Gold Coast head to Ground Grocer. There’s something organic and pure about the way Ground Grocer goes about it and we’re proud to supply package free fresh organic blueberries and our frozen organic blueberries.

For those in organic shoppers in Toowoomba you’ll already know about these two stores. Both wonderful suppliers of great, healthy food in their own right who we’ve supplied for many years.

Toowoomba Organic Food Market

A wholesome organic supermarket with a great range of organic foods situated in East Toowoomba.

Mr Organic Toowoomba

On the western side of Toowoomba is Mr Organic. Open to the public but also services the rural areas of Queensland with great organic produce.